Online Board Click Here about say goodbye to data breaches discover the power of virtual data rooms Meetings Benefits
With many companies adjusting to working from home as a permanent option following the pandemic, teleconferences have become more frequent than ever. Meetings via teleconferencing are efficient however, there are some problems to be aware of.
A lower level of engagement: Going remote can be a bit daunting for those who are not used to using the internet for communication, leading to a decrease in participation at the meeting. This can slow the progress of the board and disrupt the agenda.
It is often difficult to discern facial expressions and body language during a virtual discussion that can lead to miscommunications. The absence of eye contact can make directors feel less confident speaking up and become passive listeners, which is not suitable for a board.
The board portal can be used to improve these issues. For example a tool for managing the board with the ability to secure video conferences allows for easy recording of meetings and save important documents in one place. Directors can access the documents and minutes at any time, from any device, including before the next meeting.
It is also a great idea to make sure the meeting space is clean and free of distractions. The meeting shouldn’t be held during mealtimes and everyone is encouraged to use a muffled phone when they are not talking in order to minimize background noise. The chair should have the ability to see everyone in attendance and encourage them to use only their microphones if they are required.